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Iranian Democracy Front

Press Releases

Letter to Canadien Prime Minister

November 12, 2014

Dear Mr. Harper

News of the vicious attack on Parliament Hill, Ottawa on 22nd October 2014 which cost the life of a great Canadian soldier, put the world in a deep shock and sorrow.

Iranian Democracy Front (IDF) condemns this act of terrorism and savagery. IDF members and their families send their deepest condolences to the martyr soldier’s family, to you and to the people of Canada. IDF admires the heroic defensive act of the parliament’s security officer for shooting the terrorist on time to prevent more bloodshed

December 10th, 2013

Sixty five years ago, on December 10, 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly consisting of member states including Iran.
The first article of this declaration states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” This concept has deep roots in the culture and history of Iran and is consistent with the spirit of Cyrus the Great’s Charter. Cyrus the Great, King of Persia who lived over 2500 years ago, offered to the world the first human rights declaration, which was based on secularism and anti-slavery principles. As we commemorate the
anniversary of this great day, let us hope that all nations who struggle under dictatorial regimes will achieve their freedom and human rights.

June 16th, 2013

As usual, the mullahs have used various schemes to select the new president of the regime in undemocratic elections, where the six candidates on the ballot were all chosen by the leaders of the mullah mafia and no
other Iranian had the opportunity to be a candidate. None of the regime’s approved candidates would win a free and democratic election in Iran.

Iranians Welcome Recent Positive International Decisions

June 7, 2013

As the vast majority of Iranians urged in their massive demonstrations in recent years, and the Iranian Democracy Front (IDF) has constantly urged the free world, to morally support the people of Iran to replace the present dictatorship of Islamic republic with a democratic government. IDF has also urged support for the democracy movement in Iran

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